Gaza war tears up regional diplomacy

destruction after Israeli attack on gaza

12 October 2023; MEMO: The war in Gaza has torn up diplomacy in the region, just as Israel was preparing to reach an agreement to normalise ties with Saudi Arabia, and months after Riyadh resumed ties with its regional rival Iran, Reuters has reported. Iran is a sponsor of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement, Hamas.

READ: Iran: head of Revolutionary Guard Corps says ‘time’ of Israeli arrogance has ended

Tehran has celebrated the Hamas attack on the occupation state last weekend, but denied being behind them. According to Iranian Foreign Minister Nasser Kanaani, the attack on Israel is a new chapter in resistance against the occupiers in the occupied Palestinian territories.

US President Joe Biden said a deployment of a naval strike force, including aircraft carrier the USS Gerald R. Ford, closer to Israel should be seen as a signal to Iran to stay out of the conflict. “We made it clear to the Iranians,” said Biden. “Be careful.”