Alarm bells should ring after the Manama workshop

by Hossam Shaker

29 June 2019; MEMO: Donald Trump’s administration has recently shown great interest in Palestinians and their welfare. Even Jared Kushner, the US President’s son-in-law, has tried to spread optimism at the Manama workshop, presenting many ‘opportunities’ for the Palestinian people. Kushner has spoken to the participants as Wall Street speculators, reducing the Palestinian cause to promised returns and expected profit calculations, speaking of Palestinians in their absence.

The steal of the century: stolen land, stolen water, stolen images

by Bill Law

29 June 2019; MEMO: Jared Kushner and Benjamin Netanyahu must have considered it the longest of long shots but what if the Palestinians by some wild stretch of the imagination had called their bluff on the “deal of the century”; what if they had suddenly decided to turn up in Bahrain for the “Peace to Prosperity” workshop this week?

To Sanjiv Bhatt, a Man Who Displayed the Highest Courage

by Harsh Mander

26 June 2019; The Wire: The fact that you could be punished in this way holds a mirror first to the craven collapse of the integrity and independence of India’s institutions of criminal justice.

Dear Sanjiv,

I don’t know whether you will get to read this letter, and if so when. Possibly your indomitable life partner Shweta Bhatt will carry a copy to you when she goes next to meet you in prison. But she has, at this moment, so much to fight and cope with, she may well forget the trivial matter of this letter.

Xi-Trump meeting an opportunity to bring talks back on track

by Xinhua writer Shi Xiaomeng

BEIJING, June 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to sit down with his U.S. counterpart, Donald Trump, on the sidelines of the Group of 20 (G20) summit in the Japanese city of Osaka, igniting a flicker of hope to bring the China-U.S. trade talks back on track.

Liberal idea has 'outlived its purpose': Putin

28 June 2019; DW: The Russian president said that Western societies are rejecting liberal values, as multiculturalism has alienated the "core population." Putin has been accused of promoting populist uprisings in the West.

In an interview with the Financial Times newspaper, Russian President Vladimir Putin derided Western liberal values, saying that they are "obsolete" because they have been rejected by the majority of people in Western nations.

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