Over 700 seek medical care in SE Iran due to sandstorms

TEHRAN, Aug. 13 (Xinhua) -- A total of 733 people have sought medical treatment due to health problems caused by severe sandstorms in the southeastern Iranian province of Sistan and Baluchestan since Thursday, the official news agency IRNA reported on Sunday.

Majid Mohebi, head of the province's Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization said that respiratory, heart and eye problems were the most common conditions reported by the patients, of whom 58 have been hospitalized.

Mohsen Heidari, the director general of the province's meteorological organization, said strong winds are expected to continue until Wednesday, with sandstorms expected to hit different parts of the province.

According to the IRNA, all banks and institutions in the counties of Zabol, Zehak, Hamoun, Hirmand, and Nimrouz were closed on Sunday as instructed by the province's Disaster Mitigation and Management Organization.

The province typically experiences strong summer winds from late May to late September every year.