Iran says not to surrender to U.S. pressures

Mohammad Javad Zarif

TEHRAN, May 2 (Xinhua): Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said Thursday that Iran will never bow to the U.S. anti-Iran pressures, Press TV reported.

"We will find a way (to deal with the U.S. pressures). We have done that for 40 years, and will do that now too," Zarif said in Qatari capital Doha on Thursday.

Zarif, who attended the 16th ministerial meeting of the Asia Cooperation Dialogue in Doha, warned about the "existential threat" that the U.S. unilateralism poses to the international community.

The U.S. President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iranian international nuclear deal in May last year and put sanctions on Iran, albeit with waivers allowing major importers to continue buying oil from Iran.

However, Washington announced last Monday that it decided not to reissue sanction waivers when they expire in early May. The decision, according to the White House, is intended to bring Iran's oil exports to zero.