Iranian expert says appeasement will not prevent US’ blackmail

Tehran, IRNA - An expert in West Asia affairs said that the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution drew a roadmap for domestic and foreign policy, especially in relation to the United States, for the statesmen and the great Iranian nation, because appeasement does not prevent US’ blackmail.

Speaking to IRNA, Hassan Hanizadeh said that the Supreme Leader severely criticized US’ blackmail policies and described it as US’ attempt to cross the Iranian nation’s red lines.

The Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution's stress on the futility of appeasement with the United States shows his accurate and intelligent understanding of the policies of the United States and the West and the long-term goals of the US to dominate the regional nations, he stated.

One of these policies that the US has always tried to put on the agenda is to weaken Iran's military and deterrence power, which had nothing to do with the issue of nuclear negotiations, he noted.

One of the examples of the Supreme Leader’s remarks was the nuclear agreement between Iran and the 5+1 countries in 2015, which, despite signing such an agreement, the US, unfortunately, withdrew from it in 2018. Until 2020, it imposed over 1,700 sanctions against Iran.

The assassination of Lieutenant General Qasem Soleimani, the former commander of the Quds Force, by the US showed that negotiations and appeasement, and cooperation with the US policies do not prevent its aggressive behavior.

US’ excessive demands in recent years have proved under various pretexts that the US’ policies cannot be trusted, Iran's internal and national stability depends on internal unity and integration to confront these demands, and this is a fixed policy.