India: 'Baba Ka Bulldozer' remains cynosure of all eyes on Ganga Mela in Kanpur

Kanpur: What caught everyone's attention was Baba ka Bulldozer on Ganga Mela held here on Wednesday. Various processions using tractors and camels were taken out on the occasion.

This Mela is celebrated every year after Holi on Anuradha Nakshtra to pay tribute to the freedom fighters.

They were released by the British government after being made captive during the 1857 war of independence.

On the historical background of the Mela, its origin could be traced back to the independence. It is celebrated to commemorate the victory of Indians over the Britishers.

A big number of people attended the city's historic Ganga Mela at the Sarsaiya Ghat situated on the bank of the Ganges.

Floral tributes were also paid to great revolutionaries like Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev and Raj Guru on the day.

Saffron colour powder was used in the procession of 'Rango ka Thela.'

People were seen playing colours on the streets since morning. Shops remained closed on the day of Mela.

They chanted slogans, danced and even sang songs while making their entries on camel and bullock carts.

Baba ka Bulldozer is a reference to action taken by the Yogi Adityanath-led state government.

This is for the first time that the Bulldozer Baba has marked its presence at the Ganga Mela.