India: Cut-outs of langoor led monkeys to leave Kanpur Central station

Kanpur: What a novel way to shoo away the monkey menace on the Central  railways station! It was conceived by deputy CTM Shashank Sekhar Upadhaya. The cut out of the langoor with a voice device has been placed at different places around the station area. It worked adequately. 

There were reportedly complaints galore over this kind of menace. Sometimes even the monkeys injured the passengers.

Contemplating on the severity of the matter, the deputy CTM S S Upadhyay thought of putting cut-outs of the langoor with the voice system. This has reduced the arrival of monkeys within the space of the railways station. These not only brought damage to the railways properties but also kept the passengers at bay.

Though the idea of cut-outs was simply an experiment, it helped a lot. The number of monkeys has started receding now as has been reported.