Terrorist attack on New Zealand mosques

Christchurch Mosque

Two mosques have been attacked by terrorists in Christchurch during Friday prayers, at around 1.40 p.m. local time, causing multiple fatalities.

Witnesses said one gunman was "white, aged in his 30s or 40s and wearing a uniform.

"I saw people jumping over the back fence of the mosque into Oakward Close. I heard at least 20 (gunshots)." Said another witness.

New Zealand police commissioner Mike Bush said police have arrested four people. Three of those in custody are men and one is a woman, Bush said.

According to CNN.com, Police have not released a death toll yet. They are telling mosques across New Zealand to shut their doors until told the situation is safe.

Christchurch is on shut down with no people being allowed in or out of government buildings or schools. People are being told to stay off the streets, reported CNN.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has described the shootings as "one of New Zealand's darkest days."

In a social media post just before the attack, an account that is believed to belong to one of the attackers posted a link to an 87-page manifesto that was filled with anti-immigrant, anti-Muslim ideas and explanations for an attack. The manifesto was not signed.

TVNZ journalist Anna Burns-Francis told CNN at least one of the shooters is believed to be an Australian national.