India: Kanpur Police ready to scan speculators before counting

Kanpur: Although the state assembly polls counting will be done tomorrow, the betting has reported to have begun in the city.

Even the police have also come to know of the betting which has led them to issue advice to surveillance cell.

As the news go, one bet of Rs ten thousand can reportedly fetch a benefit of the amount at three thousand if the gamblers try the luck on the Samajwadi Party.

It is thus obvious that the SP has been acquiring the highest rate. It this goes up to three-fold in the market.

Not only Samajwadi Party has been on immediate focus of the gamblers but political parties like Congress and BSP are also in the grip of the betting run.

Wednesday remains a hot day for this game of betting. The gamers will make a heyday in betting today undoubtedly, as analysts say.

Expressing his reactions, police commissioner Vijay Singh Meena said that information about the betting has been received. Various teams are put on alert to check this sort of menace.