India: Startups to procure grants for incubation & scaling by IIT, Citi

IIT Kanpur

Citi, IIT Kanpur, and T-Hub, a technology incubator declared openly the launch of the Social Innovation Lab.

It will identify and nurture startups with unique solutions. 

That holds an optimistic impact on society across agriculture, healthcare, and financial technologies.

Selected applicants will be provided support from Citi, IIT-K and T-Hub by way of mentoring, business model development, go-to-market strategy, funding, and scaling opportunities.

"The collaboration with IIT-Kanpur and T-Hub reaffirms our commitment to economic growth and enabling progress across communities in the country by supporting grants towards the incubation and acceleration of innovative startups in key areas - health, agriculture and financial services", said Mridula Iyer, Head of Treasury and Trade Solutions, Citi South Asia.

The Social Innovation Lab will focus on three key areas HealthTech, AgriTech and FinTech. 

The grant will be primarily given to companies with certain parameters.

It said IIT Kanpur's partnership with T-Hub to support fintech startups synergises with Citi's vision as part of Social Innovation Lab by Citi.

IIT Kanpur will nurture agritech and health tech startups respectively.