India: Five teams deploy to trace professor's whereabouts

Kanpur: Police have deployed five teams to trace a 54-year-old forensic science professor who allegedly killed his wife and two teenage children at his home on Friday. He left behind a 10-page note in which tells of everything.

Police suspect that the professor may have harmed himself as he could be suffering from depression.

The last location of his cellphone was traced to Atal ghat on Friday around 6 pm.

The ghat is around 7 kilometres from his residence and is located near the Ganga barrage.

In the 10-page note, purportedly written by Dr Kumar, he admitted to consciously destroying myself by killing my family. No one else is responsible,' the professor purportedly wrote.

When a police team reached the professor's residence they found the three bodies lying in separate rooms.

'During the preliminary inquiry, it has come to light that Dr Sushil Kumar gave tea laced with intoxicating substance to his wife and children.

After they fell unconscious, he killed them one by one,' said a police officer.

While the wife's body bore injuries of hammer strike, the children had strangulation marks, the officer said, adding that they are waiting for the autopsy report.

DCP (Crime) Salmantaj Jafertaj Patil said they are trying to trace the professor and added that police have, so far, not found any evidence of foul play in the case. He has been booked for murder.

In the CCTV footage from the area, the professor is found leaving his residence at 1.10 pm on Friday afternoon alone on foot.

A senior officer said they could not rule out the possibility that the accused had harmed himself after leaving the house.

'The picture will be clear when we get any information about him,' the officer added.