Pakistan to return the captured Indian air force pilot

Imran Khan

Pakistan’s PM Imran Khan has announced that his country will return the captured Indian air force pilot as a “peace gesture” to its neighbour. This is a significant step towards reducing tensions between the two nuclear-armed countries.

Wing commander Abhinandan Varthaman was captured after his jet was shot down in Azad Kashmir on Wednesday.

“In our desire for peace, I announce that tomorrow, and as a first step to open negotiations, Pakistan will be releasing the Indian Air Force officer in our custody,” Mr Khan said on Thursday.

The quick return of the Indian pilot is expected to reduce hostilities, seen as the most intense since 1971, when the two sides fought an open war.

Hours before Mr Khan’s announcement, US president Donald Trump hinted at a potential breakthrough, suggesting that the US had been trying to defuse the crisis between India and Pakistan. “They have been going at it and we have been involved in trying to have them stop,” Mr Trump said in Vietnam.

“There is a lot of dislike and we have been in the middle trying to help them both out, see if we can get some organisation and some peace. I think that is probably going to be happening.” said Trump.

The international community has expressed serious concern about the escalating nuclear armed India-Pakistan crisis, with many countries calling both to show restraint and commit to dialogue.

People from both sides of the border lauded Mr Khan’s gesture for peace. Twitter freaks from both sides erupted in appreciation for Prime Minister Imran Khan's announcement .

In Indian side;

Cricketer-turned-politician Navjot Singh Sidhu termed the act "noble" and said that the goodwill gesture "is a cup of joy for a billion people" of India.

"Every noble act makes a way for itself ... your goodwill gesture is ‘a cup of joy’ for a billion people, a nation rejoices ... I am overjoyed for his parents and loved ones," he tweeted soon after news of the decision broke out.

Indian news outlet, Asia News International (ANI) quoted Punjab Chief Minister Captain Amarinder Singh as saying: "I'm very happy, I had demanded his release earlier too. This is going to be a step towards goodwill and I hope this will be lasting."

Markandey Katju, a former judge of the Supreme Court of India, says he has become an admirer of Prime Minister Imran Khan after listening to the premier's "wise and restrained speech" about de-escalating tensions with India.

Responding to a tweet about PM Khan's announcement that Pakistan will release the captured Indian pilot on Friday, the ex-judge wrote on Twitter that while he was formerly a critic of Prime Minister Khan, this was no longer the case.

Indian photojournalist Smita Sharma expressed her relief at news of the Indian pilot's return and thanked the premier.

"Amid all the surround sound and claims of victory by chest thumping scribes, just so relieved to hear that #AbhinandanVartaman will be back home tomorrow. Thank you @ImranKhanPTI," Sharma wrote.

Indian defence analyst and former army colonel Ajai Shukla had all praise for the way Pakistan handled the conflict on the "perception" front, terming Islamabad the comprehensive victor in this regard.

"MoD briefing, to announce release of Wing Comdr Abhinandan, has been pre-empted by Imran Khan, who announced it earlier. Now MoD briefing “postponed”. Whatever happens in real battle, Pakistan has comprehensively won the perception war. At every stage, their PR was ahead of ours," he tweeted in commendation.

Indian novelist Krishan Partap Singh went so far as to say that the prime minister had outplayed his Indian counterpart.

"Never seen a Pakistani PM so outplay an Indian PM so completely," he wrote.

Former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister Mehbooba Mufti, too, complimented the prime minister, saying he has "exhibited real statesmanship today".

"Pak PM has exhibited real statesmanship today. It is time for our political leadership to step up & take measures to de escalate the current situation. People of J&K are living under unimaginable duress. How much longer will we suffer for?" she tweeted.

In Pakistan side;

Singer and activist Fakhre Alam said the Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf government has "scored massive wins" over the last 48 hours and expressed gratitude that the country finally has a government "devoid of personal interests and selfish goals".

"PM @ImranKhanPTI government has scored massive wins in military, politics, diplomacy, morality and statesmanship in the last 48 hours. What a huge paradigm change. Finally a government devoid of personal interests & selfish goals. Pakistan UP on all fronts in this misadventure," he tweeted.

Fatima Bhutto, an author and niece of assassinated former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, termed the decision a "bold and humane move".

"I am so uplifted by the compassionate and mature Pakistani response today and over the past few days. I have long been a critic but today the government’s move can only be commended by anyone, Indian or Pakistani, who is a true believer in peace," she said in a second tweet.