Pulwama Attack: unanswered questions: Is BJP involved?

 Militants attack

Many have found the timing of Pulwama attack a bit surprising. What is also astonishing is the motive behind attacking CRPF, which is a police force – not a military force.

Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) has been blamed by the Indian government for the attack. It is alleged that JeM has taken the responsibility for the attack. How did they take the responsibility? Obviously, some one rang to some Indian government authority, introduced himself of being JeM, and then stating that they are responsible.

Does that mean anything?

What if someone rang the same Indian authority, introducing himself from Bajrang Dal, and then claimed the responsibility for the attack? Would Indian government have been equally receptive to believe that Bajrang Dal is responsible for the attack? Obviously not.

So claiming the responsibility goes only as far as a telephone call.

A reasonable question being asked is; why Indian government did not undertake a proper investigation before concluding who was responsible for the attack? The reason Indian Foreign Minister Sushma Swaraj’s gave for Surgical-strike 2 was; ‘we had credible information’ that another attack was going to take place. The question is; how credible was that information? Was the information provided by the Intelligence agencies two weeks before the attack not ‘credible’?

Following questions are being asked by the people who can think objectively;

  1. Intelligence agencies were aware of this attack, and had informed the government. Why this information was ignored?
  2. Where the RDX came from, and how? Did it come from Pakistan? If yes, why Indian security forces could not check such a huge quantity (about 300 kg)? Did it come from within India? If yes, how did JeM procured such a big quantity of a material that is mainly used by the military?
  3. Being aware of the imminent attack, CRPF had asked the government for air lifting instead of travelling by bus, but their request was refused due to the cost implications. Given the information that an attack was planned, why were the CRPF travelling in buses?
  4. The route they were travelling was ‘sanitised’. How come the attacker loaded with 300kg of RDX, was allowed to travel on the same ‘sanitised’ route and hit the CRPF bus. There are news that inspections of the civilian vehicles were stopped prior to this incident. If that is correct then why?
  5. Is it a failure by the government that caused this attack, or was it something desired by the government, as a calculated strategy to win the forthcoming elections?

The Pulwama attack is a definite benefit to the BJP government. Emotions are running high. If the war continued till close to the elections, BJP’s chances of winning the elections will improve significantly.

Karnataka BJP chief BS Yeddyurappa was quoted by India Today saying "The atmosphere....day by day the wind is increasingly blowing in favour of BJP. Yesterday's action of destroying terror hideouts by entering inside Pakistan has resulted in a pro-Modi wave in the country, the results of which can be seen in coming Lok Sabha polls,". He said that India’s preemptive strikes on Pakistan “will help the party win over 22 of 28 seats in the state”

So the next question is; have they colluded with JeM, or some other clandestine organisation, to cause this attack? Or was it an intentional overlook of the information that was predicting the attack, and BJP’s inaction towards a measure that could have stopped it?

Motive of JeM can be quickly narrowed down to revenge for the atrocities caused by the security forces to Kasmiri population. But they have to be stupid not to understand the bad timing for the attack, knowing that it will help BJP, a well known anti-Muslim and anti-minority political party. They will also be stupid not to understand the repercussions of their act – more deaths of Kashmiri Muslims. Whichever way you look at it, one would fail to see any clear and tangible motive of JeM, assuming that they were responsible for the attack.

But thinking of the gains BJP is going to have out of this attack, one can clearly see the motive.

And for many, this does not come as a surprise. There have been talks among people, capable of thinking and analysing, that BJP will do something to win this election – something extra ordinary.

There were clear indications that BJP has lost grounds in UP and Bihar, the two states which contributes maximum seats in the Parliament. Winning significant number of seats in these two states has been a determining factor on who will form the government in Delhi.

To be able to regain the lost ground in these crucial states, they had to do something – something drastic. Is Pulwama that drastic, extra ordinary measure?

Watch the video of what Narendra Modi said just before becoming India’s PM: http://www.ummnews.biz/node/6357
