India: Failing in alleged rape bid woman thrown out of moving car

Kanpur: A man and his friends allegedly attempted to rape a woman inside a moving car and threw her out when she resisted.

Reportedly, the accused was miffed as the woman had opposed his advances. The incident took place in the Chakeri area of Kanpur on Friday night.

The woman told the cops that the accused assaulted her and even tried to strangle her when she resisted the ravishment bid. The accused fled after pushing the woman on the highway.

After the incident, the woman rushed to the Jajmau police out-post but the in-charge allegedly refused to file a complaint.

The woman said that cops at the Jajmau out-post asked her to go to Chaman Ganj police station in the city area.

She added, "I roamed around the whole night in search of justice."

Chakeri police station in-charge Madhur Mishra claimed that he has not received any such complaint and assured that the action will be taken if the woman approaches them, news reports said.

The woman said that she hails from Lucknow and works at a private company in Kanpur. She lives in a rented accommodation in Nawabganj.

She said that a few months ago, she met the youth through a common friend.

The accused and the woman met frequently but recently, she learnt that he was in a relationship. Following this, the woman ended speaking to the accused.

On Friday, a friend of the accused called her and said that he wanted to meet her. When the woman sat in the accused's car, he allegedly locked the door.

Reportedly, the accused turned off the lights of the car and increased the volume of the music.

The accused allegedly made an attempt to strangle the woman and thrashed her.

The accused allegedly tried to rape the woman.

She added, "When they failed to assault me, they threw me out of the moving car on the highway near Jajmau check post and fled away."