Russia determined to prevent foreign pressure on voters, senate speaker says

Valentina Matviyenko

VIENNA, September 7. /TASS/: Moscow will prevent any impact on the free expression of the Russian people's will during the September parliamentary election, Federation Council (the upper house of parliament) Speaker Valentina Matviyenko said at the Fifth World Conference of Speakers of Parliament on Tuesday.

"Our government agencies and our laws are so effective that we will prevent any kind of interference and impact on the free expression of the people's will," she pointed out.

Matviyenko added that Moscow was taking measures to prevent foreign interference in Russia’s domestic affairs. According to her, conditions have been created in the country for transparent, democratic and competitive elections. "I think that our people have trust in the electoral system and will make their choice," Matviyenko stressed.

The State Duma elections are scheduled for the Unified Election Day, September 19, 2021. Voting will last three days, from September 17 to 19. In addition, nine Russian constituent entities will hold direct elections of regional heads and 39 regions will elect regional assemblies. In three more regions, top officials will be elected by legislative assemblies.