India: Man blackmailing girls on social media caught by police

Kanpur: A man was arrested after one of the victims lodged an FIR at Kalyanpur police station on August 7. The Kanpur crime branch police have arrested him. He has been involved in blackmailing the girls by making their obscene videos.

The police have recovered obscene videos of about 65 girls from the mobile phone of the accused.

The crime branch will try to reach other victims. His social media accounts will be thoroughly scanned, pointed out DCP (Crime) Salman Taj Patil.

The complainant had alleged that a person named Ankur Omar, had befriended her on Facebook, made physical relations with her and then filmed obscene videos.

She also alleged that he was now blackmailing her. Her family members have also come to know about all this," DCP (crime) Salman Taj Patil said.

The arrested man has been identified as 28-year-old Shekhar Suman, a resident of Shahjahanpur.

When the crime branch cops cross-checked his mobile and Facebook account, they were stunned. Around 65 pornographic videos of girls were recovered from his mobile phone. Along with this, chatting details of hundreds of girls and their contact numbers were also found, the police official said.

Clearly, Shekhar used to transmit friend requests to girls through fake IDs on Facebook and Instagram. He would entice them into a friendship and then extort them by making obscene videos.

He was believed to have fake IDs on Facebook and Instagram in the different names like Ankur Gupta, Ankur Omar, Neha Aggarwal, Soumya Omar, Ayush Agarwal respectively. How clever ha was as he used to chat with as many as 200 girls daily.

Reportedly, the account created under the name Ankur Omar has his real photo in it while in the rest, fake photos of girls have been used. Shekhar's nick name happens to be Ankur, the DCP told.

Questionings disclosed that Shekhar was in touch with girls from various cities like Agra, Shahjahanpur, Lucknow, Bareilly, Moradabad, Prayagraj and was also in the girls from Delhi, Mumbai, Jharkhand and Uttarakhand.

Shekhar had pursued his graduation from a postgraduate Sanskrit college of Shahjahanpur. He got this idea from a friend of his, named Satyam Awasthi. According to him, Satyam too used to befriend girls in a similar manner.