India: Hit by animal, train movements disrupt near Jhijhak station

Kanpur: The movement of the Mahabodhi Express was disrupted following its nearly crash with an animal near Jhijhak-Ambiyapur railway station on Wednesday late at night in Kanpur Dehat district.

According to the news, the train was moving towards Kanpur from Delhi. As the train was hit by the animal, seven pillars of the overhead cable line were badly damaged in the sudden incident, railways officials said while learning of the occurrence. About half a dozen trains were thus stopped.

However, what passengers were thinking about the incident was known only through their reactions.

"We are not getting any satisfactory answers as to when the train service will start again, everyone is giving a different answer," said a passenger named Ramesh going from Delhi to Darbhanga in Bihar. 

"It is too hot, we and our kids are facing problems. There are not any facilities at the station," added further.

He was truly disturbed by the disruption in the journey. It was later informed the train service on the route was restored for the public after mitigating the required repairing.