India: 224 unfit govt vehicles running on road in Kanpur

Kanpur: As many as 224 government vehicles are marked unfit in the city. About 70 percent of the vehicles are running in the police department while several vehicles of the PWD are also moving without a fitness test on the road.

According to the record of the regional transport department, the fitness test of about ten vehicles registered in the name of ADGP has not taken place in eleven years. These vehicles were not brought for fitness test after March 2010. Likewise more than one hundred vehicles in the police department are running without the fitness test.

ARTO (admin) Rajesh Singh said that notice to the departments concerned has been despatched for conducting fitness tests.

He further said that two RI and two PTO have been put on duty for completion of the testing. They will conduct testing by visiting the department separately.

If need be the chassis number of these vehicles will be surrendered at the ARTO by declaring them in the condemned category.