Chinese FM’s Visit To Syria To Boost Bilateral Cooperation

Wang Yi

DAMASCUS, Jul 22 (NNN-XINHUA) – The recent visit of Chinese State Councillor and Foreign Minister, Wang Yi, to Syria carries a message that the two sides will broaden bilateral cooperation, a political expert told Xinhua.

Muhammad al-Omari, a former government official, at Syria’s Ministry of National Reconciliation, and currently a political writer, said, Wang’s visit emphasises the longstanding relations between Syria and China and “tackles ways to elevating such relations to broader economic relations.”

He continued that the visit also stresses China’s firm support of Syria and its people, to preserve the unity and independence of the country.

Al-Omari also spoke highly of China’s willingness to put forward solutions to the crisis in Syria as Wang brought along China’s four-point proposal on solving the Syrian issue.

The proposal includes respecting Syria’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and prioritising the well-being of Syrians. It also calls for cracking down on terrorist organisations listed by the UN Security Council, and emphasises the need to promote an inclusive and reconciliatory political solution to the Syrian issue.

During his visit to Syria, the Chinese foreign minister said that, as partners in building the Belt and Road Initiative, China and Syria will jointly discuss effective ways to push forward mutually beneficial cooperation, especially in fields of agriculture and trade, which will help Syria raise living standards and rebuild the country.

“The geographic location of Syria may increase chances of investment inside the country, particularly after the huge damage that has befallen the infrastructure in the country for over a decade. China can contribute to the rebuilding process in the coming phase,” Al-Omari said.

Speaking of future cooperation, al-Omari expected China to play a role in helping rebuild key infrastructure in Syria.

Meanwhile, al-Omari highlighted the important role China is playing in the Arab world, a region he says suffers from “Western dictation.”

He noted that countries like China can change the way Arab countries are treated by the West, through promoting investment and playing a key political role in the region.

“The Chinese stance is a supportive one towards the Arab countries in general, particularly the Chinese approach of helping in defusing tension and ending conflicts peacefully,” he pointed out.

Wang wrapped up a trip to the Middle East yesterday, during which he visited Syria, Egypt and Algeria.