Israel detains Al-Aqsa guard, bans sheikh from entering mosque

 Al-Aqsa mosque

07 May 2021; MEMO: Israeli occupation forces yesterday detained one of the guards of Al-Aqsa Mosque and extended Sheikh Najeh Bakirat's ban from entering the Muslim Hily site, the Palestinian Information Centre reported.

Police officers arrested Bader Al-Rajbi from Bab Alsilsila area in the Old City of Jerusalem and took him to a detention centre in the holy city.

Israeli occupation police also renewed the order extending the ban imposed on Sheikh Bakirat, deputy director of the Islamic Awqaf in Jerusalem and head of Al-Aqsa Academy for Science and Heritage. According to the order, Sheikh Bakirat is prohibited from entering Al-Aqsa Mosque and the Old City for another six months.

Israeli occupation authorities have escalated their arbitrary measures against Al-Aqsa and Awqaf officials and employees as part of efforts to obstruct their role in defending the mosque and administrating its affairs. Such measures are also seen as part of Israeli preparations to secure the area for mass desecration by extremist Jewish settlers on 28 Ramadan (10 May).

An Israeli magistrate's court in Jerusalem yesterday ordered the conditional release of a Palestinian Mohamed Al-Aqaba, while banning him from entering Jerusalem for one month. He had been arrested along with five others on Monday because of their participation in an activity organized in the holy city in solidarity with Sheikh Jarrah families, who are facing an Israeli plan to displace them from their homes.