India’s Largest Carmaker Brings Forward Maintenance Shutdown To Make Oxygen Available For Medical Use

MUMBAI, Apr 29 (NNN-PTI) – India’s largest car manufacturer, Maruti Suzuki, brought forward its nine-day biannual maintenance shutdown from June to May, to avoid consumption of more oxygen, amid the oxygen shortage across the country, under a resurgence of COVID-19 cases.

“As part of the car manufacturing process, Maruti Suzuki uses a small amount of oxygen in its factories, while relatively much larger quantities are used by the manufacturers of components. In the current situation, we believe that all available oxygen should be used to save lives,” the company said in a statement yesterday.

India is currently witnessing a severe second wave of COVID-19 outbreak, that has seen short supply of medical oxygen across the country. The Indian government has made it mandatory to supply all oxygen for medical needs, instead of industrial usage.

India currently has 2.98 million active cases of COVID-19, with 201,187 deaths reported so far.