Hamas says Jerusalem victory a 'sign of success of resistance approach'

Khalil Al-Hayya

27 Apr 2021; MEMO: The head of Hamas electoral list said on Monday that the victory of the Palestinians in Jerusalem in their battle against Israeli occupation forces and settler violence proves that resistance is the most successful approach to deal with Israel.

"Once again, Palestinian Jerusalemites confirm their ability to face off the Israeli occupation and its plans and false sovereignty over the holy city, and preserve Al Aqsa Mosque and the city's Palestinian and Arab identity," said Dr Khalil Al Hayya. "Last but not least, they managed to force the Israeli occupation to remove all metal barriers from the Bab Al-Amoud area after thirteen days of popular protests."

Al Hayya reiterated that "Al-Quds is Our Destiny" electoral candidates said that the Palestinian citizens of Jerusalem "have proved that they are stronger than the occupation and have scored a new victory."

The Palestinian residents of Jerusalem have demonstrated that they are the guardians of Al Aqsa Mosque, he added. "In protecting the third holiest place for all Muslims on earth, they sent a clear message to the Israeli occupation that they are determined to defend Al-Aqsa at any cost."

In conclusion, the Hamas official said that "What happened in Jerusalem indicates that we can force the Israeli occupation to accept holding Palestinian elections in the city."

Israel insists that all of Jerusalem is its "undivided capital", whereas under international law it is an occupied city, and its annexation by the Zionist state is not recognised.