India: Train travelling traps into complications of Coronavirus

Kanpur: Those who were patiently waiting for normalcy in the running of the trains have been astonished to know of cancellation in the operation of un-reserved trains in coming days, as news goes.

It has been reported that about 30 per cent counter sale of the trains' ticket has decreased after the Holi festival. Even the sale of the reservation tickets is showing a fall.

The passengers are appearing uncomfortable in taking risk of travelling by trains amid an outbreak of coronavirus.

Railways department itself worries over this trend as its income has been plunging. There is an indication the train with a lesser passenger load will have to be discontinued.

According to norms defined in the guidelines, passengers will be checked properly and they will wear a face mask. Without this, entry will not be permitted.

Several trains were started given the festival but as sources point the trains are not going to continue as the state government has taken a tough stand.

Announcements for running trains on different routes have already been made.