India: Confusion persists on date and mode of school opening & teaching

Kanpur: Confusion persists on the exact date of reopening of the schools here. The fear of coronavirus looms thereby compelling the authorities concerned to beat about the bush.

Some say teaching will commence from April 7 while news reports said the pedagogy begins from April 5. Strangely enough there was also reports of teaching from April 11. Different dates from sources close to the school authorities.

Ambiguity about the mode of teaching is another hitch. When the students approached to the teacher she did not mind in disclosing about it in later date.

Parents think how could they be sure of sending their wards to the school campus in tough time of corona resurgence to some extent. They are in anxiety at the delay on the part of the schools in clearing the precise position. 

One class V student very confidently stated that his teaching will run via online mode. But at the same time the students up to class VIII are only guessing. 

Whatever it may be everyone seems clear of two things: First online teaching will remain and secondly crowd cannot be allowed in school owing to coronavirus.