Palestine: Abbas slammed Israeli intelligence service's for interfering in Palestinian elections

02 Apr 2021; MEMO: The Palestinian Authority President, Mahmoud Abbas is claimed to have slammed the Israeli intelligence service's interference in the upcoming Palestinian parliamentary elections scheduled for May, Israel's public broadcaster KAN reported.

Kan said the rebuke came during a meeting between Abbas and the head of the Shin Bet Security, Nadav Argaman, held in Ramallah two weeks ago. Argaman, it was reported, asked Abbas to cancel the upcoming Palestinian parliament elections if Hamas participates.

According to KAN, Abbas has slammed Argaman's request, claiming Israel is responsible for the group's strength.

"I do not work for you. I will decide if there will be an election and with whom. You built Hamas, not me," Abbas reportedly told Argaman.

According to KAN, Abbas and Argaman also discussed the International Criminal Court's investigation into Israel's war crimes against the Palestinians.

"Please, as far as I am concerned, you and I are sitting together in the same prison cell," Abbas reportedly said.