India: E-rickshaws cause jam on Nai Chungi crossing

Kanpur: What to say of jam on roads in the city's main crossings, one can experience the similar agony on the Nai Chungi crossing in Jajmau.

There remains the spurt of e-rickshaws and tempos on the crossing in the morning hours.

In a hurry to call the commuters, the drivers do not hesitate to cover enough space of the road. Only an expert rider can move on the narrow space on the road.

Obviously the passengers are eagerly looking for the e-rickshaws and tempos to reach their respective destinations. Grasping this point the drivers try their best in catching the passenger. So they do not mind mind causing jam on the wide road.

However they seem to avoid that the road is used by others too. "If they wait for the passengers on one side of the road, others would certainly not bother," said one vehicle user who diligently moved on with his bike.

The road is quite wide but unnecessary jam causes due to wrong parking and encroachments. It takes minutes in crossing the road for a person if he desires to remain safe. Could electric vehicles prevent jam on the road?