India: Inflation revives taka ser khaja, taka ser bhaji fable

Kanpur: How has inflation frightened the common man is clear from the fact that a nail sells at Rs 5 per piece and a lollipop also sells at Rs 5 in the open market.

It reminds us of the famous traditional tale saying taka ser khaja taka ser bhaji. 

The edible oil sells at Rs 140 a Kg while the petrol is available at above Rs 90. If one leaves taking oily foods one's health will be fit and fine. The government thinks positively that the youths should bring in use only the bicycle as cycling keeps them physically robust. They should not waste parents' money on an unnecessary bike ride, said a few elders.

There is no discount available on items of daily use. As the weather starts changing the prices of vegetables have also been going up day after day. This is a tragic reality of the passing month, says a housewife adding that it becomes hard to think why do we anticipate valentine day in this very month?