Pro-Gov’t Forces Ambush Houthis In Yemen’s Hodeidah, 10 Killed

pro-government forces

ADEN, Feb 5 (NNN-SABA) – At least 10 members of the Houthi militia were killed in an ambush, set up by pro-government forces, in Yemen’s Red Sea port city of Hodeidah yesterday, a government official said.

The local government source said, “The joint pro-government soldiers ambushed a group of Houthi fighters, while they were attempting to advance into military sites, in Hodeidah’s district of Tuhyata.”

He said that armed confrontations broke out between the two warring sides following the ambush, leaving nearly 10 rebels killed at the scene.

The government forces managed to repulse the Houthi attackers and aborted their advancement towards the eastern part of Tuhyata.

No information was given about casualties among the pro-government soldiers, during the exchange of fire with the Houthis in Hodeidah.

Hodeidah port, a vital lifeline for millions facing starvation, has seen a shaky cease-fire between the Yemeni government and the Houthis, since they reached a UN-sponsored truce in Stockholm, in Dec, 2018.

Hodeidah is currently under the control of the Houthis, while the government forces have advanced to the southern and eastern districts.

Both sides have been blaming each other for truce breaches and sporadic military escalation.