Police Gives Nod To Protesting Farmers’ Tractor Rally In Indian Capital On Republic Day Tomorrow

Farmers’ Tractor Rally in India

NEW DELHI, Jan 25 (NNN-PTI) – The Indian police allowed protesting farmers to stage a tractor rally in the capital city, New Delhi, on Republic Day.

“Today (yesterday), there was a short meeting with officers of Delhi Police. We got formal permission from them, for the tractor rally. As I said earlier, Kisan Gantantra Parade will be held on Jan 26 (tomorrow), in a peaceful manner,” Yogendra Yadav, head of Swaraj India party, told the media.

The farmers promised, the rally will be a peaceful affair.

The decision to allow the tractor rally to enter the city was made, following rounds of talks between the protesting farmers and the police.

The police said, the permission was given, to show respect to the farmers’ demands.

“Protesting farmers can enter Delhi but can’t disturb the Republic Day parade,” special commissioner of police, Dependra Pathak said. “They can enter Delhi for a few kilometres and then exit.”

Reports said, the tractor rally will start after the Republic Day programme of the government ends, at around 11:30 a.m. tomorrow.

Meanwhile, a local news agency posted an order from the Delhi Police Commissioner, to all special commissioners of police and district units, directing them to keep their personnel ready for further deployment on short notice.

“All officers and men, as well as, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF) and other force deployed for Republic Day parade security, should remain in ready position, to move at short notice, for law and order arrangement, in connection with the Kisan tractor rally,” said the order.

India’s top court said, the entry of protesting farmers into New Delhi on Republic Day has to be decided by police, as the matter is related to “law and order.”

Thousands of farmers have been protesting since Nov 26 last year, in and around New Delhi, occupying roads and demanding withdrawal of three contentious farm laws.

Eleven rounds of talks between protesting farmers and the federal government have failed to end the stalemate.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, has strongly defended the three laws, ever since the protest broke out.