Iran slams Arab League chief accusations

Saeed Khatibzadeh

Tehran, Jan 4, IRNA – Spokesman for the Iranian Foreign Ministry Saeed Khatibzadeh criticized on Monday the recent remarks of the Arab League chief who has accused Tehran and Ankara of seeking to establish their own empires; and said Iran basically thinks that the Arab League does not exist anymore.

They think in vain that they can change priorities through treason against the Palestinian cause and also by normalization of relations with enemies of the Islamic World as well as the Arab World, Saeed Khatibzadeh told reporters during his weekly online press briefing.

The region needs different personalities, those who rely on the region [not on foreigners], he added.  

Speaking about the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), the spokesman said in the case of this international deal Iran will talk with the P5+1 as parties of the deal, and for the regional issues, it will address regional countries.

Also about the postponed travel of Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif to Baku and Moscow, the spokesman said "we're facing some restrictions."

When a visit is called off, setting a new time and planning for it takes time; meanwhile, "we'll do it," he noted.

Turning to the US economic war against Iran, the spokesman hoped that the US [president-elect Joe Biden] would seize the final chance to save the JCPOA.

Iran will be ready to change methods to make a reform, but it will take place only when the US implements reform and fulfills its commitments, he underlined.

Despite the world criticism, US President Donald Trump withdrew unilaterally from the JCPOA in May 2018.

To respond reciprocally to the US move, Tehran decided to reduce its commitments to the international deal, based on Article 26 and 36, on the first anniversary of the US withdrawal in May 2019.

Meanwhile, the spokesman stressed today that Iran's decision will be revocable if the other side is effectively faithful to its commitments.

Asked whether Tehran has sent messages to Washington during Zarif's talks with his Kuwaiti and Qatari counterparts, the spokesman said Iran does not need anyone to carry messages for it.

Iran dispatched its message to the US through Switzerland and to the regional states directly to themselves, he stressed.

US is responsible for any adventurism as Iran responds to any measure clearly and with no delay, he added.

Swiss Embassy in Tehran represents US interests.

Touching upon Tehran-Seoul ties, the spokesman said South Korean deputy foreign minister is planned to have a visit to Iran in coming days to hold talks on Seoul's debt.

About Iran's stance on the US interference on China and the Tibet issue, the spokesman said Iran condemns such meddling.

Non-interference in countries' internal affairs is Iran's principled foreign policy, he noted.

At the end of his remarks, the spokesman talked of Tehran-Moscow relations and said bilateral ties are at the best conditions.