India: Man gets one year RI for molesting school girls in Maha

Alibaug (Maha), Jan 1 (PTI) A special court at Alibaug in Raigad district of Maharashtra sentenced a 49-year-old man to one year of rigorous imprisonment for molesting school girls.

In the order passed recently, special court judge S S Shaikh also slapped a fine of Rs 5,000 on the convict Ashwin Arvind Puranik, a local resident.

As per the complaint, Puranik molested the girls a few times while they were going to school.

The incident had taken place a couple of times in August last year. He used to chase the girls on his motorcycle and indulge in indecent behaviour.

The mother of one of the girls had lodged a complaint against him at Alibaug police station, following which a case was registered under IPC section 354 (assault or criminal force to woman with intent to outrage her modesty) and Protection of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act.

The court examined nine witnesses.