Indian PM Blames Opposition For Misusing Farmers’ Protest, Says Willing To Talk To All On Farm Laws


NEW DELHI, Dec 26 (NNN-PTI) – Indian Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, launched a scathing attack on the opposition over farmers’ protest.

Modi blamed the opposition of “lying, misleading, shedding crocodile tears, destroying economies, doing event management and not allowing dialogue to take place between the government and farmers, for the sake of narrow political gains.”

“Farmers across the country are aware of their reality. What they did for them (farmers) while they were in power. Those faking concerns over farmers’ lands, where were they when their lands were being grabbed,” Modi said while addressing farmers.

Yesterday Modi released an instalment of financial benefit under PM-Kisan Samman Nidhi (Farmer’s Tribute Fund) through video conference.

The scheme, according to the prime minister’s office, will benefit 90 million farmers, and each farmer will get 27 U.S. dollars as minimum income support, directly transferred into his bank account.

Thousands of farmers are currently protesting in and around the capital city New Delhi, occupying roads and demanding the withdrawal of recently passed three contentious farm laws.

Several rounds of talks between the government and protesting farmers have failed to end the deadlock.

However, Modi has been strongly defending the three laws, since the protest broke out last month.

“The three laws have given farmers good alternatives with proper legal safeguards, including on agreement,” Modi said. “I am saying this with humility that we are ready to discuss the issue of farmers with those who are against us too, but the discussion has to be based on issues, facts and logic.”