India: Attempts to show black flags to Nadda in city

 JP Nadda

Kolkata, Dec 9 (PTI) Alleged Trinamool Congress supporters Wednesday attempted to show black flags to BJP national president J P Nadda from a spot outside the newly opened election office of the saffron party at Hastings area of the city when he was inside it.

About 50 people tried to wave black flags from the spot located some distance away from the newly opened office.

They also shouted "BJP go back" when Nadda entered the building.

On hearing the commotion BJP workers came out of the building and tried to confront the protestors, who later told reporters they did not belong to any political party.

They said that they only wanted to voice their protest as common people against the passage of three firm bills in Parliament by the NDA government at the Centre..

The situation was controlled as the two sides were prevented from coming close following intervention of BJP leaders and the police. The protesters left soon after.

A local BJP leader claimed some of the protesters were known faces in the area and close to a Trinamool Congress minister.

"There was no clash or scuffle. Both sides left the spot peacefully," a police officer present at the spot, said.