India’s COVID-19 Tally Reaches 9,050,597, With 46,232 New Daily Cases

India Corona Covid

NEW DELHI, Nov 21 (NNN-PTI) – India’s COVID-19 tally reached 9,050,597 today, even as 46,232 new cases were registered during the past 24 hours, according to the latest data from the health ministry.

According to the data, the death toll mounted to 132,726, as 564 more patients died since yesterday.

There are still 439,747 active cases in the country, while 8,478,124 people have been discharged from hospitals after medical treatment, added the data.

The federal government’s focus has been on ramping up testing facilities across the country. Till yesterday, a total of 130,657,808 tests were conducted, out of which 1,066,022 tests were conducted yesterday alone, said the figures released by the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) today.

Meanwhile, the COVID vaccine, Covaxin, which is being developed by India’s biotechnology company, Bharat Biotech International Limited, entered the third phase of trial yesterday.

Prime Minister, Narendra Modi, convened a meeting yesterday to review the country’s vaccine strategy.

He discussed crucial issues, such as prioritisation of sub-population and platform for rolling out the vaccine, once it is finally developed and tested.