India: Farmer ends life in Maha after harassment by money-lender

Aurangabad, Oct 13 (PTI) A debt-ridden farmer allegedly committed suicide in Maharashtra's Beed district after he was beaten up and harassed by a money-lender to re- pay the sum along with interest, police said on Tuesday.

The money-lender, Yuvarj Bahir, has been arrested, they said.

Farmer Gangaram Gawade (45) allegedly hanged himself from a tree near his residence in Rajuri (Navgan) village of Beed on Sunday, police sub-inspector Suresh Mali told PTI.

A suicide note, purportedly written by Gawade, was found at the spot in which he alleged harassment by Bahir, the official said.

Gawade had taken Rs 2,000 from Bahir, who was allegedly asking for a re-payment of Rs 28,000, inclusive of the interest, and was also threatening him, he said.

On October 9, the money-lender called Gawade to his farm where he allegedly beat him up and also took away his two-wheeler, the official said.

The accused money-lender has been arrested and a case registered against him under Indian Penal Code Sections 306 (abetment of suicide), 323 (voluntarily causing hurt) and 506 (criminal intimidation), the official said.