63 doctors die of COVID-19 in Yemen

04 Oct 2020; MEMO: The Yemeni Physicians and Pharmacists Syndicate announced on Friday that 63 doctors have died of COVID-19 in the country, Yemen Shabab reported.

This came in a statement regarding Dr Ali Abu-Zalat, of Egyptian origin, who died on Wednesday after contracting COVID-19 in Hadhramaut.

“The death of Dr Abu-Zalat is a great loss for the Yemeni Physicians and Pharmacists Syndicate and for Egyptian doctors,” the statement read, noting that Dr Abu-Zalat spent his life serving people and patients.

According to Yemen Shabab, more than 100 healthcare workers in Yemen have died since the outbreak of COVID-19 in the war-torn country.

As of Thursday evening, 2,039 Yemenis have contracted COVID-19 and 587 have died, while 1,297 recovered.