Palestine Says U.S. Preventing Arab States From Supporting PA

Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammed Ishtaye

RAMALLAH, Sept 22 (NNN-WAFA) – Palestinian Prime Minister, Mohammed Ishtaye, yesterday, accused the U.S. administration of preventing Arab states from supporting the Palestinian Authority (PA), to force it to barter its national rights for money.

During the weekly meeting of the PA cabinet, Ishtaye said, “U.S. President, Donald Trump, cut off aid to us and prevented some Arab states from fulfilling their obligations towards us, to besiege the leadership and the Palestinian people politically, economically and financially.”

“Our Palestinian people have the rights to establish our independent state, on the borders of 1967, with East Jerusalem as the capital,” Ishtaye said.

Recently, the United States sponsored peace agreements, between the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Bahrain and Israel, which have sparked anger of the Palestinian people.