Israel “Annexes Smoothly” West Bank Under Military Training Pretext: Palestinian Officials

West Bank

RAMALLAH, Aug 11 (NNN-WAFA) – Senior Palestinian officials accused Israel that it carries out “smoothly” the annexation of the West Bank lands under the pretext of military training.

Sabri Saidam, a member of Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ Fatah movement’s Central Committee, told reporters in Ramallah that, Israel is proceeding with its annexation plan through political and military manoeuvres.

“Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, didn’t disregard the annexation plan of parts of the West Bank, regardless of the political crisis in Israel and the talks on holding new parliamentary elections,” Saidam said.

He also said that, in equivalent, the Palestinian leadership carries on with its diplomatic and political steps to confront and topple the Israeli annexation plan.

“The Palestinian efforts have never stopped although the world is engaged in the coronavirus pandemic. Israel hides behind the world’s crisis to implement its plans of annexing Palestinian lands and controlling them,” said Saidam.

Meanwhile, Walid Assaf, head of the National Committee to Resist the Wall and Settlements, said that, Israel is exploiting its military rehearsals it carries out on the West Bank lands to seize them.

“Since 1967, Israel has been banning Palestinian constructions in several parts in the West Bank, preparing to expel Palestinian citizens from these parts and declare them a closed military zone,” Assaf said.

“The Israeli occupation deprives the owners of the lands of using them or even considers them as natural resorts,” said Assaf.