Russia to be ally of Belarus though ties are now partner-like, not brotherly — Lukashenko

Alexander Lukashenko n Vladimir Putin

MINSK, August 4. /TASS/: Russia will remain an ally for Belarus despite the fact that the brotherly relations between the two states now changed into a partnership, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said Tuesday, addressing the Belarusian nation and parliament.

"Russia is scared of losing us because it does not have any truly close allies left, while the West began paying substantial interest to us. Our response is well-known: Belarus does not make friends with anyone against someone. We advocate a consistent and predictable foreign policy. Russia has been, is and will continue to be our closest ally, whoever is in power in Belarus and Russia. This is deep in our nations, even though Russia transformed the brotherly ties into the partner-like relations. And in vain!" Lukashenko stressed.

According to the leader, Belarus will advance "strategic partnerships with the West, America, China, our neighbors and far-away countries."

The president also reassured that his country will continue to resolve international problems exclusively through peaceful means and will extend a helping hand to other states if they ask. "We were not, are not and will not be getting into any problems," he underlined.