ISKP leader captured in Afghanistan

Abdullah Orakzai alias Aslam Farooqi, the leader of Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP)

KABUL, April 5 (Xinhua) -- Personnel of law enforcing agencies have arrested Abdullah Orakzai alias Aslam Farooqi, the so-called leader of Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) in Afghanistan along with 19 of his fighters, said a statement of National Directorate of Security or the country's spy agency.

Without providing more information, the statement added that details on how Farooqi was arrested would be shared with the people of Afghanistan in the coming days.

The hardliner IS group, which is active in parts of the militancy-plagued Afghanistan and claimed responsibility for the deadly attack on the temple of Sikh community in Kabul recently, has not made comments yet.