Cuba’s top diplomat slams US sanctions against Rosneft subsidiary

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla

HAVANA, March 14. /TASS/: The US sanctions imposed on TNK Trading International S.A., a Rosneft subsidiary working with Venezuela, are a manifestation of a criminal policy directed against the interests of the people, Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla wrote in a Twitter post.

"While the world's efforts are focused on coping with Covid-19, the US government applies unilateral coercive measures against TNK Trading Intl S.A., a subsidiary of Rosneft, for trading with Venezuela. It's a new violation of International Law. Stop criminal policy vs peoples," the diplomat noted.

On Thursday, the United States imposed sanctions on TNK Trading International S.A., a subsidiary of Russia’s Rosneft oil company, stressing that the goal is to bring Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro to the negotiation table. According to Washington, TNK Trading International S.A. supplies Venezuelan oil bypassing restrictions that had been imposed earlier.

On February 18, the US administration announced sanctions against Rosneft Trading S.A. and its President Didier Casimiro over selling oil from Venezuela. In response to that, Russian Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that such measures would only result in the deterioration of relations between Russia and the United States.