Iran deploys new military reinforcements in Syria’s Saraqib

 Iranian Revolutionary Guard

05 Mar 2020; MEMO: Iran has deployed new military reinforcements in the strategic town of Saraqib in Idlib, northern Syria, to support the regime forces, Turkish media reported.

Yesterday, Turkey’s Yeni Safak newspaper reported that Iran had deployed 2,000 members of its proxy militias and the Revolutionary Guards Quds Force to Saraqib while its Fatemiyoun Brigade deployed a convoy of 200 vehicles to Ma’arat Al-Numan.

The paper noted that Lebanon’s Hezbollah militant group also deployed new fighters in Saraqib, after withdrawing dozens of its militants against the backdrop of killing at least 15 of its fighters and wounding 50 others.

It pointed to reports that a Hezbollah delegation had arrived from Lebanon and sought to implement a ceasefire in order to withdraw its members from the region.

According to the paper, the Syrian regime also deployed reinforcements in the region, adding that Russia provided the new reinforcements four hours of non-strop aerial cover, forcing opposition forces to withdraw from some locations.

The newspaper also quoted local sources as saying that the Turkish drones killed nearly 40 members of the Syrian regime forces in the village of Jubas.