Syrian forces drive terrorists out of 16 settlements in southern Idlib

Syrian troops

TASS, February 27: Syrian troops have liberated Kafr Weid, a city located in the south of the Idlib Governorate, SANA news agency reported.

Assad’s forces have regained control over another 15 settlements in its outskirts over the past day, defeating terrorists of the Jabhat al-Nusra group (outlawed in Russia). The Syrian forces have launched a mop-up operation in the residential quarters and a mine clearance effort in the streets.

The military operation is carried out in Jabal Zawiya, where major terrorist forces are concentrated, which seized the Idlib Governorate in 2014. Militants carry out attacks against the Syrian army’s positions in retaliation, but these raids have not yet brought fruit.

Besides the Jabhat al-Nusra’s terrorists, the forces in the region fight against armed Islamists from the Ansar al-Tawhid, linked to the Muslim Brotherhood (outlawed in Russia).

Earlier the Syrian army’s command reported that the troops had established control over dozens of settlements in Idlib’s south. A large number of terrorists were eliminated and their military equipment was withdrawn.

Idlib is the only region in Syria still largely controlled by illegal armed groups. A de-escalation zone was created in Idlib in 2017, and militants reluctant to lay down their arms moved there from the Damascus suburb of Eastern Ghouta and the country’s south.