Senior Russian lawmaker hands historical memory declaration to US delegation to OSCE PA

Russian Deputy Duma Speaker Pyotr Tolstoy

VIENNA, February 20. /TASS/: Head of the Russian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (PA OSCE), Deputy Speaker of the Russian State Duma (lower chamber of parliament) Pyotr Tolstoy on Thursday handed the declaration on inadmissibility of revision of Second World War results to deputy head of the US Congress delegation, Republican Senator Roger Wicker to study.

A brief meeting between Wicker and Tolstoy took place on the sidelines of the OSCE PA’s winter session. "This is not a political declaration," Tolstoy stressed. According to him, the joint victory of the Soviet Union and the Allies over Nazism could be protected if the document is signed. "I would like to give you each a copy of the declaration so that you can read it and look at it," Tolstoy told Wicker.

The US senator promised to review the document, adding that his father is 96 and he served in Europe.

The Russian delegation presented the declaration at the past winter session of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The document condemns demolition of memorials to soldiers who lost their lives to liberate Europe from Nazism as well as distortion of history "to fit the political agenda." The document is considered a written declaration which means that its text reflects position of only those lawmakers who signed it.