Kiev hopes to sign gas contracts by January 1 - Energy Minister

Alexey Orzhel

KIEV, December 21. /TASS/: Kiev hopes to sign gas contracts before January 1, Ministry of Energy of Ukraine Alexey Orzhel said on Saturday.

"Good news, we should have enough time [to sign contracts with Gazprom] before January 1," he said.

According to him, "as a result of complex and difficult negotiations, a package understanding has been reached." "There will be gas transit," Orzhel said.

The minister added, "The negotiations were constructive." "Everything that was formalized by the Stockholm arbitration will be paid," the minister said.

According to Orzhel, "there will be a certain increase in the gas transportation tariff". "There is a clear understanding of the parties - the tariff should be increased," the minister said.