Bolivian authorities say Morales will be arrested upon crossing border

Evo Morales

BUENOS AIRES, December 21. /TASS/: Former Bolivian President Evo Morales will be immediately arested if he crosses the country's border, Justice Minister Alvaro Coimbra said on Friday.

"The arrest warrant for the ex-president has already been issued, and migration authorities across Bolivia have been notified, along with other relevant services. If citizen Evo Morales enters the country, he will be arrested," Coimbra told Agencia Boliviana de Informacion.

He said that the Bolivian government has also contacted international organizations with a request to assess Morales's activities in Argentina from the legal point of view. "We are sending letters through the foreign ministry about the violation of international agreements by Mr. Evo Morales, who makes political statements," he added.

The presidential election in Bolivia was held on October 20. According to the Supreme Electoral Court, incumbent President Evo Morales won in the first round. His main competitor, Carlos Mesa, said that he does not recognize Morales' victory in the first round. After the results of the election were announced, large-scale protests and strikes started across the country.

On November 10, Morales announced his resignation and characterized the situation in the country as a coup. He was earlier asked to leave his post by the country's armed forces, opposition and labor unions. Vice President Alvaro Garcia Linera and several ministers and parliament members resigned as well.

The Mexican authorities granted political asylum to Morales. Morales arrived in Mexico on November 12. Later on that day, Bolivian Senator Jeanine Anez declared herself as interim president.

On December 12, Morales has arrived in Argentina where he was granted a refugee status.