Syrian, Russian navies hold joint exercises in Mediterranean

joint exercises

TARTUS /Syria/, December 17. /TASS/: The Russian Navy and the Navy of the Syrian Arab Republic have started joint exercises in the Mediterranean Sea on Tuesday.

The source said the exercises involve Russian surface ships and aircraft from the Hmeymim airbase, as well as Syrian Navy missile boats and mine warfare vessels.

The commander of the exercises, Rear Adm. Alexander Yuldashev, said the maneuvers will be held in the common operating environment and will involve various tactical episodes.

"Tactical groups of Russian and Syrian Navy warships will engage in artillery fire training and joint maneuvers. On the shore, security and defense groups will practice anti-UAV measures and efforts to contain and eliminate consequences of an attack on Tartus base facilities," he said.

The aim of the exercises is to increase interoperability between the armed forces of Russia and Syria and thus to make the anti-terrorism efforts more successful.