5 tudents shot in California school

 Nathaniel Berhow

SANTA CLARITA, Calif. (AP) — Authorities say the biography on an Instagram account believed to belong to the gunman who killed two students at his California high school said, “Saugus, have fun at school tomorrow.”

Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials say the message was posted Thursday morning but it’s unclear when. They say it was later removed, and they don’t know who made the change.

Authorities say off-duty officers whose children went to Saugus High School in Santa Clarita were the first on scene and provided first aid to the victims.

A 16-year-old student shot five classmates and then himself. It’s unclear if they had any relationship, and a motive is unknown. The shooter is in grave condition.

The FBI says there’s no reason to believe he was acting on behalf of a group or ideology or that there were any conspirators.

A school administrator says lockdown procedures appear to have been followed properly during a shooting that left two students dead at a Southern California high school.

Los Angeles County sheriff’s officials say a 16-year-old student shot five classmates and then himself in a quad area of Saugus High School Thursday morning. The motive is unknown.

Collyn Nielson with the William S. Hart Union High School District says initial reports indicate teachers and students “knew what to do” and immediately barricaded themselves in classrooms, turned out lights and hid.

Nielson says schools hold lockdown drills three times a year. He says in addition to one sheriff’s deputy Saugus High School has nine “campus supervisors” who act as security guards. There are a dozen security cameras and no metal detectors.