Iran seizes group planning to assassinate General Soleimai: IRGC

Qasem Soleimani

Tehran, Oct 3, IRNA – Head of the Intelligence Organization of the Islamic Revolution Guard Corps (IRGC) said on Thursday that the force has arrested a group of terrorist intending to assassinate Major-General Qasem Soleimani, the commander of IRGC Quds Force.

The Hebrew-Arab services had planned to assassinate General Soleimani, which failed with the assassination group being arrested by the IRGC intelligence service, said Hossein Taeb.

According to Taeb, a team of terrorists were hired by the Hebrew-Arab intelligence services to enter into Iran during Fatemiyyeh with the purpose of assassinating the Iranian commander.

He said the team was to buy a house near a Hussainia (a congregation place for Shias' ceremonies) belonging to Soleimani’s father, to dig a tunnel under the Hussainia and carry 350 to 500 kilograms of explosives to the location, and to blow up the entire place as soon as Major General Soleimani entered the mourning ceremony.

Taeb also said that the enemy had been planning for years to implement the plot, but the IRGC, with the help of God, collared the team before any moves.

He said the enemies had planned to trigger a religious war and attribute the assassination to an "act of domestic revenge".

Even when the team was taken to the neighboring countries to train them, they were being monitored by the IRGC.

He said the enemies were so sure about their plot that even the "wicked" Zionist minister Benjamin Netanyahu had announced a while ago that the Israeli regime was going to assassinate Major General Soleimani.