Saudi: Last session of Salman Ouda’s trial could be Thursday

Salman Al-Ouda

2 Oct 2019; MEMO: Abdullah Al-Ouda, son of the famous Saudi preacher Salman, expects the last session of his father’s trial to be held tomorrow, Arabi21 reported.

On Twitter, Abdullah said that the Riyadh Court decided to hold a hearing for his father tomorrow, expecting that it would be the last session.

The court cases again Al-Ouda began in July last year.

“My father, Salman Al-Ouda, attended these daily sessions in Thr Riyadh Court,” he wrote. “It seems that Thursday will be the last one.”

“May Allah release him and all the others,” he added.

Previously, Abdullah has revealed that the Saudi Public Prosecution used 2,000 tweets from his father’s Twitter account as evidence to prove claims against him.

Abdullah also said that the Saudi authorities had told his father that his “neutral” stance towards the Saudi crisis with Qatar “is considered treason.”

Since September 2017, Saudi Arabia has been detaining thousands of famous, moderate preachers, holding court cases against some.

The Saudi Public Prosecution recommended that they should be killed.